Woman Unexpectedly Gives Birth at a Friend’s House and Is Later Billed for a New Sofa

Lilly, a 26-year-old woman, was attending a casual movie night with her friends when her baby decided to arrive early. At 36 weeks pregnant, she was feeling some discomfort that quickly escalated into labor while at her friend Ella’s house. Unable to move, Lilly gave birth right there on Ella’s sofa with the help of EMTs. Her friends were supportive during the chaotic event, but the medical team asked most of them to leave as the situation became overwhelming. Lilly only asked her close friend Grace to stay, as they had known each other for years and Grace was a nurse.

The days following the birth were hectic but joyful for Lilly and her family. However, Lilly noticed Ella had become distant and was the only friend who hadn’t visited her newborn. Initially puzzled, Lilly heard from other friends that Ella might have been upset about being asked to leave her home during the birth. Ella had previously expressed a desire to be present for the delivery, but Lilly and her partner had already decided only her partner would be present.

When Lilly finally reached out to thank and apologize to Ella, she was surprised to receive a bill for the ruined sofa. Though Lilly didn’t mind paying for the damage, the bill felt somewhat harsh and left her feeling guilty about how things had unfolded.

Lilly posted her story on Reddit, where over 1,400 commenters pointed out that she hadn’t been considerate of Ella’s perspective. Many advised that the right thing would have been to offer compensation immediately after the birth, noting how traumatic and messy childbirth can be, especially for someone whose house and furniture were involved. One commenter compared the mess to a “crime scene” and emphasized that no one would want to sit on a couch where such an event took place. Additionally, they highlighted that Ella likely had to deal with removing and disposing of the old sofa, possibly even paying extra for hazardous waste.

I (F26) accidentally had my baby at my friend’s (F31) house, and now she’s pissed. How do I solve this?
byu/ThrowRA_idkanything inrelationship_advice

After reading the feedback, Lilly reflected on her actions, admitting she hadn’t considered Ella’s perspective enough. She acknowledged the stress Ella must have gone through and decided to take responsibility. Lilly plans to reach out again, offer full payment for the damages, and work on repairing her friendship with Ella, though she understands it may take time.


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